Cambridge Camping On The GO 2023! A Conversation with Ron Suskind

Cambridge Camping welcomed Pulitzer Prize Winner Ron Suskind to share his story about raising his son with autism. At age 3, Ron’s son Owen inexplicably retreated behind a wall of silence. Ron and his wife were devastated. Where did Owen go? Would he ever return? What followed for Ron and the Suskind family were many painful years marked by doubt, fear, false hope and repeated failure, until one day came a thrilling and unexpected breakthrough. Turns out, Owen was there all along; he was just waiting to be found. Ron’s story speaks to the power of meeting children where they are, and what that asks of us as adults: a willingness to reconsider our deeply held beliefs about what constitutes a successful, meaningful, and happy life. In the end, the Suskind family’s journey is a story about love, community, respect, and joy.